Violence against the elderly: a documentary study




Aged; Aging; Violence; Health of the Elderly; Aged Rights.


Objective: to associate the sociodemographic characteristics of elderly victims of violence and of the aggressors with types of violence. Methods: this is a cross-sectional, analytical, retrospective study developed in a police station. A total of 346 police reports were analyzed, and the statistical analyses of comparisons were made in the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version Results: type of violence was positively associated with area of the city, sex, marital status, schooling, age, place of occurrence, legal basis, and form of notification of the victim. There was a predominance of financial violence among men, while other types of violence, white skin, presence of a partner, and the victim’s home as the place of occurrence predominated among women. There was a predominance of male aggressors. Conclusion: the police reports indicated the association of different sociodemographic data of victims and aggressors with the types of violence.



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How to Cite

Alarcon, M. F. S., Damaceno, D. G., Lazarini, C. A., Braccialli, L. A. D., Sponchiado, V. B. Y., & Marin, M. J. S. (2019). Violence against the elderly: a documentary study. Rev Rene, 20, e41450.



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