Maternal breast feeding as a factor of protection for the breast cancer
Breast Neoplasms, Breastfeeding, Health Promotion, Nursing.Abstract
This is a quantitative, transversal study which aimed to verify whether women who breastfed relate this act as a protective factor from breast cancer. A form was applied to 200 women who breastfed and attended a municipal clinic in Alfenas-MG, from May to July 2008. Data analysis was based on descriptive statistics and chi-square test, with significance level of 5%. The association index between breastfeeding and breast cancer was 38%. Education level was significantly associated with the knowledge of non-exclusive breastfeeding as a protective factor from breast cancer (p<0.001). Health professionals must encourage women and raise awareness of the advantages of breastfeeding with its benefits for both the child and the mother as a protection against breast cancer.Downloads
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How to Cite
Gradim, C. V. C., Magalhães, M. C., Faria, M. de C. F., & Arantes, C. I. S. (2011). Maternal breast feeding as a factor of protection for the breast cancer. Rev Rene, 12(2). Retrieved from
Research Article