Pregnancy in the COVID-19 pandemic, prenatal care, and digital technologies: women’s experiences
COVID-19; Pregnant Women; Pandemics; Digital Technology; Prenatal Care.Abstract
Objective: to know the experience of being pregnant and using technologies for gestational care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: qualitative study, conducted in a virtual environment. A total of 20 women who used digital technologies in pregnancy care during the pandemic were interviewed by videoconference. The data were submitted to content analysis supported by the Atlas.ti9 program. Results: two categories emerged: "Women's feelings on being pregnant during the pandemic of COVID-19", encompassing feelings, expressed by fear, insecurity, and loneliness, related to facing a new disease and social isolation; "Women's experiences with the use of digital technologies in pregnancy care", showing autonomy in the search for online information about pregnancy and groups of pregnant women, in applications or social networks. Furthermore, they remotely experienced bonding and maintenance of prenatal care by health professionals. Conclusion: the use of digital technologies in the pandemic was an imposed reality that positively contributed to clarifying doubts, care, and emotional support during pregnancy. Contributions to practice: the use of digital technologies showed benefits in the pandemic and can be extended to the daily routine of prenatal care, especially in situations that make it difficult for pregnant women to access services.
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