Translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and validation of an oral health survey for pregnant women
Oral Health; Prenatal Care; Dental Health Surveys; Validation Study.Abstract
Objective: to translate, cross-culturally adapt, and validate the Conocimientos, Actitudes y Prácticas en Salud Bucal Materna survey for the Brazilian context. Methods: methodological research is carried out in three stages: translation of the instrument into the target language, synthesis of the translated versions, and analysis of the synthesis by expert judges and the target audience for adaptation, content, and construct validation. With the synthesis evaluation, the proportion of agreement with the instrument was measured using the Content Validation Index and the Likert-type scale. The construct validation included literate pregnant women over 18 in any gestational trimester. Results: the translation of the instrument was successful, resulting in a synthesis of the versions that took context and language into account. All the 10 items analyzed met the Content Validation Index criterion of ÿ >0.80 for clarity and practical and theoretical relevance in content validation. The composite reliability showed an adequate value of >0.65. Conclusion: it was concluded that the Conocimientos, Actitudes y Prácticas en Salud Bucal Materna survey, adapted and translated into Portuguese, can be used reliably for pregnant women in the Brazilian context. Contributions to practice: to provide a translated, adapted, and validated instrument for prenatal and dental practice in Brazil.
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