Diagnostics and results of the terminology subset for the “Impaired Family Process”
Standardized Nursing Terminology; Nursing Diagnosis; Validation Study; Family.Abstract
Objective: to validate the content of nursing diagnosis and outcome statements from the terminology subset of the International Classification for Nursing Practice for “Impaired Family Process” based on Family Systems Theory. Methods: this is a methodological study with the content validation phase of the Brazilian method for developing a terminology subset. A total of 15 experts analyzed 209 nursing diagnosis/outcome statements, which were distributed into nine attributes of the “Impaired Family Process” concept. The agreement percentage was calculated and statements with a result ≥ 80% were validated. Results: a total of 180 statements were validated, of which 122 obtained 100% agreement, 58 between 80% and 93%, while 29 nursing diagnoses and outcomes were not validated. Conclusion: the diagnoses and results were validated and it was concluded that they are relevant to provide care for families with dysfunctional processes. In addition, they can be considered a reference in the context of therapeutic reasoning for nurses who will provide care to this population in Primary Healthcare based on the nursing process and Standardized Nursing Terminology. Contributions to practice: the product of this study can become an instrument for teaching, practice and research in the field of family nursing.
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