Feelings, information and expectations of older adults undergoing cardiac catheterization





Aged; Cardiac Catheterization; Emotions; Educational Technology; Qualitative Research.


Objective: to understand the main feelings of older adults before cardiac catheterization and the expectations related to the educational process. Methods: this is a qualitative study, conducted in the hemodynamics unit of a public university hospital. Semi-structured interviews were applied to 25 older adults undergoing elective procedures, with processing of the textual corpus by Iramuteq software using Descending Hierarchical Classification and Correspondence Factor Analysis. Results: four classes emerged from the texts: Positive conceptions about cardiac catheterization; Importance of health education; Guidelines on cardiac catheterization; and Perceptions about catheterization. Factors such as waiting time, rescheduling, social support, religious faith and trust in the health team influenced the participants’ perceptions. The importance of providing clear information and emotional support to reduce reports of anxiety and improve the patient experience was highlighted. Conclusion: although the invasive procedure generates anxiety, clear information, family support, religious faith and continuous support from the health team help to reduce anxieties, minimizing the psychological impact of waiting and the need for rescheduling. Contributions to practice: developing educational strategies adapted to the needs of older adults is understood as being fundamental, aiming to promote their well-being, safety and humanized care to offer personalized care.



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How to Cite

Nepomuceno, A. M. T., Silva, S. P. C. e, Marques, M. do C. M. P., Mélo, C. B., Sousa, M. M. de, & Moreira, M. A. S. P. (2025). Feelings, information and expectations of older adults undergoing cardiac catheterization. Rev Rene, 26, e94418. https://doi.org/10.15253/2175-6783.20252694418



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