Number of trials to estimate the condition number in rye traits



Secale cereale L. Repeatability analysis. Multicollinearity. Experimental planning.


Multicollinearity must be diagnosed in multivariate analyses. Among the indicators, the condition number can be used to quantify the degree of multicollinearity. Hence, this study sought to determine the number of measurements (trials) necessary to estimate the number of condition in linear correlation matrices between rye traits. Five uniformity trials were carried out with ‘BRS Progresso’ rye, and eight morphological traits and eight productive traits were evaluated, forming two groups. In each group of traits, six cases (combinations of traits) were planned and the multicollinearity diagnosis was performed. Repeatability analyses were performed using the following methods: analysis of variance, principal component analysis, and structural analysis, and the number of measurements (trials) was determined for different levels of precision. A higher condition number of repeatability coefficients was obtained by the principal component methods (based on correlation and variance and covariance matrices) and structural analysis based on the variance and covariance matrix. A greater number of measurements (trials) is necessary to estimate the number of conditions in productive traits compared to morphological ones. One trial is enough to efficiently estimate the condition number with a minimum accuracy of 80% in morphological and productive traits of rye, whereas at least three trials are required for 95% accuracy.








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