Socio-economic characterization of fishing communities in Aquiraz county, Ceará State


  • Rosa Alice Rodrigues Geógrafa, da GGC/CE- Gerência de Geodésia e Cartografia do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE, Mestre em Ciências Marinhas Tropicais, pela Instituto de Ciências do Mar da Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC.
  • Luís Parente Maia Geólogo, Prof. do Instituto de Ciências do Mar - LABOMAR da Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC. Doutor em Ciências do Mar pela Universidade de Barcelona, Espanha



fishing community, small-scale fisheries, socio-economic characterization, Aquiraz county.


The marine  fish production in Ceará State derives from two kinds of  fisheries, namely artisanal and industrial.  The artisanal system is small-scaled and primitive as to use of  fishing gear and craft, and accounts for most of the total  catch. With the aim of assessing the status of  fishing communities along the Ceará littoral coast, one of them located  at Iguape, Aquiraz county, was chosen for the purpose of raising information of social and economic features of their  fishermen. The technique of opinion poll was employed to a sample of 151  fishers and their results were analyzed from  responses on such topics as occurrence of impacts caused by private and public interventions on the coastal zone, and  needs for betterment of this situation as opposed to changes caused by tourism and leisure activities.





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