Sushi: a microbiological risk?


  • Thais Danyelle Santos Araújo Engenheira de Pesca, Mestre em Biotecnologia – Universidade Federal do Piauí;
  • Mário José de Sousa Freitas Engenheiro de Pesca – Universidade Federal do Piauí,
  • Samila Radany Oliveira da Silva Engenheiro de Pesca – Universidade Federal do Piauí,
  • Rosa Helena Rebouças Professora do Curso de Engenharia de Pesca – Universidade Federal do Piaui.



salmon-based sushi, microbiological risk, staphylococci, coliforms, food poisoning


The presence of coagulase-positive staphylococci and coliforms at 45°C in foods that will be eaten raw is a potential  risk to consumer’s health. We sought to determine the presence of bacteria belonging to the groups of staphylococci and  coliforms in salmon-based  sushi marketed in Parnaíba, Piauí State. Analyses were performed to determine counts on  reared heterotrophic bacteria (RHB), coagulase-positive staphylococci and MPN Coliform at 45ºC. The results were  compared to acceptable limits by RDC nº 12 de 2001 by the Environmental Agency. The scores range from RHB 1.3 x 10 5 to 4.0 x 10 7 CFU/g and 4.6 x 10 4 to 2.2 x 10 5 CFU/g for establishments A and B. The coagulase positive staphylococci  counts from the establishment A samples are shown to be above the legal levels and to be absent from establishment B. The  presence of coliforms at 45°C was confirmed for the two outlets, yet 25% of establishment B samples expressed levels  above those permitted by law. This study demonstrates the microbiological risks involved in the consumption of salmon- based  sushi to confirm the presence of pathogenic bacteria in concentrations above the permitted by national legislation. 


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