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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

Arquivos de Ciências do Mar (ISSN 0374-5686 printed; ISSN 2526-7639 online;DOI 10.32360) is the scientific communication media from the Marine Sciences Institute (LABOMAR), of the Federal University of Ceará. The journal was created in 1961 and is available online at Articles are published biannually, aiming to promote research in different fields from marine and environmental sciences, such as:


Physical Oceanography

Chemical Oceanography and Marine Geochemistry

Marine Biology and Bioecology

Fisheries, Population Dynamics, and Fishing Prospecting

Environmental and Fish microbiology


Geological Oceanography and Coastal Dynamics

Impact and Management of Marine and Coastal Zones

The Scientific Editorial Board is formed by experts from the mentioned fields of knowledge who are recognized by the Brazilian and international academic community for their expertise. This Board is in charge of technical-scientific evaluation and decision on the submitted articles.

Arquivos de Ciências do Mar is indexed at Capes Periodics Database, Google Scholar, and Latindex.


1 - Types of paper

Manuscripts could be submitted under three categories: Original Articles, Reviews, and Scientific Notes.

Original Articles - a manuscript will be considered original when it represents an advance in the knowledge of a study area and allows the reader to evaluate objectively the presented data and its theoretical foundation.

Reviews - this type of manuscript is a general revision of a knowledge area, including the compilation process, analysis, and discussion on the set of previously published information.

Scientific Notes - a manuscript that shows a concise but complete description of a matter subject to the limited nature of research, and without the same structure as an original article.


2 - Manuscript preparation

Manuscripts should be submitted in MS Office Word (. doc/. docx) format, A4 size, font type Arial, font size 12. Please use single spacing throughout, 1 cm paragraph indent, 2.5 margins, and do not exceed 20 pages. The use of the English language is encouraged. However, articles in Portuguese and Spanish will be accepted. The file(s) must not contain any information that identifies the author(s).

The identification of the authors should be presented as a supplementary document, PDF format, and attached as “others”, to protect double-blind peer review. This document should present full name, written in full with capital letters only in the initials, followed by the following information: occupied position, home institution, CNPq, CAPES or other organizations scholarship holder, full address, and e-mail. Correspondence author and e-mail must be indicated. Failure to comply with this rule will result in the immediate return of the manuscript.

When preparing Original Articles, authors should follow, whenever possible, the conventional structure of Title, Abstract, (with keywords), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Bibliographic References.


Title - it should be short and indicative of the exact purpose of the article, in capital letters.

Abstract - maximum size of 200 words, without paragraphs. It should be concise and clear, highlighting the main findings.

Keywords - a maximum of five words to be located after Abstract. Words already present in the title should be avoided.

Introduction - it should clearly establish the objective of the manuscript, showing the relationship with other papers in the field, and present the state of the art for the investigated issue in a succinct way. Long literature review should be replaced by citations to more recent papers.

Materials and Methods - methods description (including statistical analysis) should provide sufficient details to allow the work to be understood. Processes and techniques that are already published should only be cited unless they have been significantly modified.

Results - they should be presented clearly and, whenever necessary, include tables and figures concerning the analyzed information.

Illustrations - every illustrative material (graphs, photographs, drawings, maps) should be referred to in the text as “Figure”, with sequential numbering in Arabic algorisms. Figure captions should be self-explanatory and presented in a separate sheet. Illustrations should be provided in individual files, in JPEG, TIFF, or PNG, numbered and identified with indications to the author and abbreviated manuscript title. Letters and numbers present in the figures should be large enough to allow size reduction without losing legibility. Photographs should be provided in good quality.

Tables - they should have sequential numbering in roman algorisms, with self-explanatory title and, if necessary, caption placed as a footer, without the text for understanding.

Discussion - this section should be restricted to evaluating the results obtained and their possible causes and consequences, relating new contributions to previous knowledge. Avoid the scientific language used in Dissertations and Theses, replacing a very common type of phrase, for example: ”according to Silva (1990) who, when studying the shrimp Xiphopenaeus kroyeri in the Bay of Todos Santos, verified that the individuals were distributed in the lengths of 65 to 138 mm”, by “The shrimp Xiphopenaeus kroyeri is distributed in the range of 65 - 138 mm in length, in the Bay of Todos Santos (Silva, 1990)”.

Bibliographical References - they should be presented in alphabetical order by author's last name and, in case of repetition of authorship, in temporal order. The following are the rules for the different types of contributions and respective examples:

Reference to a journal publication - Surname(s) of the author(s) followed by initials without space, the full title of the article, abbreviated name of the journal (in italics), city (whenever possible), volume (v.), number (n.), number of pages (p.) and year of publication.


Santos, E.P.; Alcântara Filho, P. & Rocha, C.A.S. Curvas de rendimento de lagostas no

Estado do Ceará (Brasil). Arq. Ciên. Mar, Fortaleza, v. 13, n. 1, p., 9-12, 1973.


Book - Surname(s) of the author(s) followed by initials without space, the full title of the book (in italics), publisher, number of pages, city, year.


Fonteles-Filho, A.A. Recursos pesqueiros: biologia e dinâmica populacional. Imprensa Oficial do Ceará, XVI + 296 p., Fortaleza, 1989.


Book chapter - Surname(s) of the author(s) followed by initials without space, the full title of the article, number of pages of the chapter, name of the editor(s), title of the book (in italics), publisher, number of pages of the book, city, year.


Lipcius, R.N. & Cobb, J.S. Introduction: ecology and fisheries of spiny lobsters, p.1-30, in

Phillips, B.S.; Cobb, J.S & Kittaka, J. (eds.), Spiny lobster management. Fishing News Books, 550 p., Oxford, 1994.


Article in Annals of Congress - Last name of the author(s) followed by initials without space, the full title of the article, number of pages of the article, name of the editor (s), the title of the annals (in italics), publisher (if any), number of annals, city, year.


Menezes, M.F. Alimentação da lagosta do gênero Panulirus White, na plataforma continental do Ceará, Brasil, pp. 67-80, in Anais do VI Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia de Pesca, 273 p., Teresina, 1989.


Monograph, dissertation, or thesis - Last name of the author(s) followed by initials without space, the full title of the work (in italics), type specification (monograph, dissertation, or thesis), name of the graduate course, name of the university, number of pages, city, year.


Ivo, C.T.C., 1996. Biologia, pesca e dinâmica populacional das lagostas Panulirus argus e Panulirus laevicauda (Laterille) ao longo da plataforma continental do Brasil, entre os Estados do Amapá e Espírito Santo. Tese de Doutorado, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ecologia e Recursos Naturais, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 279 p., São Carlos, 1996.


Periodical in electronic media. When articles have an electronic address (URL, DOI, etc), they must be presented with hyperlinks activated.


Fortaleza, M. O., Girão, M. M. L., Franklin-Junior, W., Lima, J. P. &Rocha-Barreira, C. A.

Which moon phase do we find more ghosts? Effects of the lunar cycle on the ghost crab

Ocypode quadrata (Fabricius, 1787). Arq. Ciên. Mar, v. 52, n. 2, p. 85-97, 2019. 


3 - Recommendations

When applicable, we encourage authors to deposit vouchers for specimens of the organisms used in the study in recognized museums or scientific collections, and to clearly indicate in the manuscript where the material is (or will be) deposited.

We also recommend that the authors present, when applicable, the necessary authorizations for the development of their research and register them in the body of the manuscript [number of opinion/protocol of the Committee for Ethics in Research on Human Beings; License Certificate from the Committee on Ethics in the Use of Animals; authorization by the System of Biodiversity Authorization and Information (Sisbio) for collecting biological material and for researching in federal conservation units and caves; and proof of registration of research and/or technological development issued by the National System for the Management of Genetic Heritage and Associated Traditional Knowledge (SisGen)].


4 - Article appreciation for publication

The article will be preliminarily analyzed by the Scientific Editorial Board and sent to two reviewers in the area, being published only with the approval in these stages. Acceptance of the article will take into account originality, quality, and scientific merit. The evaluation is performed through a double-blind peer review type, and the comments of the reviewers will be forwarded to the authors to be carried out. The average time for publication will depend on the speed of the manuscript evaluation and correction process. Therefore, we recommend authors respond to requests as soon as possible.


5 - Submission

Authors may submit their articles electronically to this journal through the website 

For further information, please contact 



Artigos originais

Um texto será considerado original quando representa um avanço no conhecimento da área de estudo e permite ao leitor avaliar objetivamente os dados apresentados e sua fundamentação teórica.

Notas Científicas

Trata-se de uma descrição concisa mas completa de um assunto sujeito a investigação de caráter limitado, e sem a mesma estrutura de um artigo original.

Revisões científicas

Trata-se da revisão geral de uma área do conhecimento, constando do processo de compilação, análise e discussão de informações já publicadas.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.