About the Journal
Contextus - The Contemporary Journal of Economics and Management is a journal linked to the Faculty of Economics, Administration, Actuaries and Accounting at the Federal University of Ceará (FEAAC / UFC).
Since its launch in 2003, the journal has aimed to promote the debate on relevant topics in the areas of Administration, Accounting and Economics.
Contextus publishes texts, in the form of articles, that address scientific research, which are the authors' responsibility and do not necessarily express the point of view of the journal's editorial staff.
Contextus - The Contemporary Journal of Economics and Management, has as it's mission the interaction with different audiences and institutions in the areas of knowledge of Economics, Administration, Accounting Sciences and related areas, both nationally and internationally, to advertise, disseminate and foster scientific production in those respective fields.
Contextus - The Contemporary Journal of Economics and Management has its focus on the areas of Administration, Accounting and Economics, targeting researchers, professors, students and market professionals.
With continuous publications from 2020 and following the Best Practices of Scientific Publication of ANPAD, the articles - in Portuguese, English and Spanish - receive double-blind review by a committee formed by the Scientific Editorial Board and ad hoc reviewers.
Contextus - The Contemporary Jounal of Economics and Management, accepts papers developed with different theoretical, methodological, interdisciplinary and critical perspectives, as long as they fall within its editorial line, whose focus is on scientific research in Administration, Accounting and Economics.
The adequacy to the editorial line of the articles to the journal is assessed by framing the submissions in at least one of these three areas of knowledge or at its intersection. Starting from a generalist perspective in these three areas, Contextus' editorial line expands in a large space made by sub-areas of knowledge, theoretical, and methodological perspectives, in a way to value articles of excellent quality, great impact potential and innovative character.
Are accepted articles both from Brazil and from any other country, encouraging a plurality of approaches, perspectives and method.
The Contextus editorial line provides for the possibility of organizing, at the discretion of its editors, special calls for editions or thematic dossiers. In these cases, submissions directed to these calls should also fit the proposed theme.
This journal offers free and immediate access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.
All texts are available for reading, downloading, copying, distribution, printing, searching and hypertextual link, provided that the source is mentioned.
Creative Commons License: Contextus Journal is a work licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Contextus is included in the Diadorim's Directory of editorial policies (IBICT), as well as has the Archiving Policy for its records in the LOCKSS Network and the Brazilian Digital Preservation Network - Cariniana (IBICT), through the UFC Journals Portal.
The Open Journal Systems (OJS) is an open source software application for managing and publishing academic journals. Originally developed and launched by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) in 2001 to improve access to research, it is the most widely used open source journal publishing platform, with over 10,000 journals worldwide.
Contextus - The Contemporary Journal of Economics and Management uses the OJS (version downloaded directly from the PKP under the GNU General Public License.
The updating and maintenance of its editorial platform is the responsibility of the team of the UFC Journal Portal, a joint initiative of the Department of Information Sciences (DCINF) and the Pro-Rectory of Research and Graduate Studies (PRPPG) of the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). The Journals Portal gathers and facilitates access to current and previous editions of digital scientific journals under the responsibility of university researchers. Its mission, in addition to being a dissemination port of UFC's scientific production, is to offer support to the editors of UFC journals, providing infrastructure, training and software facilities.
Protocols and services
Interoperability protocols, in computer science, consist of conventions that control and enable the connection, communication and data transference between two computer systems. Contextus' OJS makes use of the OAI-PMH protocol (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) through its electronic address (http://www.periodicos.ufc.br/contextus/oai). A document repository that uses the OAI-PMH protocol can expose its objects' metadata, in this case the journal's articles, so that they can be found by search engines or “collected” by other repositories.
Besides the OAI-PMH protocol, it is also important to mention that the OJS provides support for the implementation of DOI (Digital Object Identifier) in its articles. DOI is a standard for the identification of documents on digital networks (books, book chapters, periodicals, articles, etc.), which can be composed of numbers and letters, so that it can be identified in a unique and persistent way in the network environment.
In the case of Contextus, its DOI consists in https://doi.org/10.19094. In addition, for each article and editorial published in the journal, an individual DOI is assigned that begins with this prefix and has the following structure as a suffix: name of the journal, year of publication and individual code of the article in the editorial system (eg https://doi.org/10.19094/contextus.2021.59985). The attribution of the DOI for Contextus articles is a process carried out by the journal's editorial team from 2015, but which was done for all articles published previously, since the beginning of the journal in 2003, and after that year.
The metadata of the digital objects that receive the DOI are made available for search through the Crossref Metadada Search database. Crossref is an official DOI registration agency, created in the early 2000s as a cooperative effort between editors to allow citation links in online academic journals.
Contextus - Contemporary Journal of Economics and Management, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil.
ISSN Print: 1678-2089 ISSN Online: 2178-9258