A research profile on internal audit quality
internal audit activity, internal audit quality, Sarbanes-Oxley Act, research profile, bibliometric profileAbstract
Gaps in internal audit function (IAF), such as internal audit quality (IAQ), began to be pointed out by studies carried out after Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act publication. As a subject still under development in the literature, this article seeks to delineate a research profile for the IAQ in the period from 1999 to 2021. To this end, a bibliometric profile on the subject was conducted, resulting in the identification of how the research area has progressed over the last 22 years, encompassing research clusters, main fields of study and citations networks. As a result, two maps were created: one based on text data and one based on bibliographic data.
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Furthermore, we are aware of our permission to take part in additional contracts independently for non-exclusive distribution of the version of our work published in this journal (e.g. publishing it in an institutional repository or as a book chapter), while acknowledging both the authorship and the journal’s initial publication.
We also certify that the paper is original and up to this date has not been released in any other journal, Brazilian or of another nationality, either in Portuguese or another language, as well as it has not been sent for simultaneous publication in other journals.
Last, we not only know that plagiarism is not tolerated by Contextus but also certify the paper presents the sources of passages from cited works, including those authored by ourselves.