The impact of teacher bonuses on student performance in full-time schools: The case of the Espírito Santo
bonus, performance, SAEB, full time schools, absenteeismAbstract
The goal of the study was to analyze the effect of granting financial incentives to teachers in relation to the performance of students from full-time schools of Espírito Santo. A method of matching was used by means PSM (propensity score matching) and then a Tobit regression to analyze the exam scores of the SAEB (National Basic Education Assessment System) in 2017. The results found showed that there is a positive association and related between the BD (Bonificação por Desempenho) program and the Portuguese and mathematics grades of third-year high school students from full-time schools in Espírito Santo. The work concludes by explaining that the success of the program to the reduction in absenteeism and the decrease in teacher turnover.
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