Editorial governance

Editorial Board

The Editorial Board, in agreement with the FEAAC's Administration, is responsible for defining the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal. Scientifically, the members of the Council act as advisors to the Editor, promoting the journal, suggesting improvements in the editorial policy and strategies for acting in the academic and professional environment.

Counselors are expected to express their views on the consistency of editorial policy and publications, its quality and also on ethical issues relevant to editorial management and the dissemination of articles. Each member also assumes the role of “ombudsman” of the scientific community active in the area, guaranteeing the academic credibility and the expected posture of a scientific journal.

As the Editorial Board is removed from the process of mediation of articles (not having access to the metadata of the articles under evaluation), it does not supervise nor interfere in the editorial process, being able to submit articles to Contextus and participating in the process like any other author.


Scientific Editorial Board

The Scientific Editorial Board is a collegiate body, necessarily multi-institutional, made up of specialists uniformly distributed in terms both scientific (covering all areas of knowledge to which the journal is dedicated) and geographic (covering different regions of Brazil and other countries).

The diversity of origin of the members of this group is an element of the greatest importance to ensure a plurality of views with respect to models and theories, avoiding monocultural biases; it can also help to increase the number of submissions to the journal.



The editor-in-chief coordinates the editorial process and promotes the development of the authors and reviewers of the publication. Its commitment is that the journal offers the best in terms of new knowledge within the thematic area, observing, in the process of selecting articles, the highest ethical standards.

The ANPAD Manual of Good Practices (ANPAD, 2017) recommends that the choice of the editor of a journal be supervised by the Editorial Policy Committee and consider several factors, including: leadership as a researcher in the area, recognition by the community, performance history as reviewer and author, as well as his work project for the journal.


Assistant Editors

The assistant editors are responsible for advising the editor-in-chief and the editorial productions carried out by the journal. As attributions, it is possible to mention the monitoring of several stages of the editorial production process and administrative functions related to the daily routine of the journal.


Associated editors

The associate editors work in the areas of Administration, Accounting and Economics and are very close collaborators with the editor, with significant involvement in the day-to-day of the editorial process. In terms of assignments, they can make the final decision on whether or not to publish a work in their specific area.


Ad hoc evaluators

Ad hoc evaluators are PhD professors from different teaching and research institutions in Brazil and abroad, with recognition in the academic environment. Its members work in various areas of Contextus, but in a non-collective way, that is, without providing for regular meetings (in person or virtual) to deal with specific issues. Following the model common to national scientific journals, there is no formal involvement of ad hoc reviewers with Contextus, UFC or FEAAC in the responsibility for publishing the journal. The participation of each ad hoc evaluator takes place individually, through articulation by the editors.