Guimarães Rosa against History

time avoidance in "Se eu seria personagem"


  • Amanda Teixeira da Silva


Guimarães Rosa, History, Literature, Evasion of Time


The present article intends to discuss the relationship of Guimarães Rosa with History. Through genetic studies conducted thanks to personal statements, letters, marginalia and, mainly, studies for the work, it was tried to understand which authors supported the construction of its fiction. To achieve this goal, it was essential to have access to the collection of the Institute of Brazilian Studies (IEB / USP), locating the author's manuscripts, as well as the books that were in his library when he died. Known as a poorly engaged writer and often associated with right-wing political specters, Guimarães Rosa has often claimed to be "against history." For this reason, an attempt was made here to examine this alleged "anti-historical" culture. From the study of the "Se eu seria personagem” tale, published in the book "Tutaméia", it was concluded that in her attempt to "flee from time", Rosa counted on the partnership of ancient philosophers and historians, but mainly with religious authors - both Western and Eastern - who espouse the ideas of "destiny"; "Divine providence" or "wu-wei."



How to Cite

Silva, A. T. da. (2019). Guimarães Rosa against History: time avoidance in "Se eu seria personagem". Em Perspectiva, 5(1), 25–47. Retrieved from



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