Law of Promotions and Military School

the transformations in the school in 1840s and 1850s


  • Daniela Marques da Silva


Army, Promotions, Military School


The promotions law of 1850 established criteria for promotions in the corps of officers of the Brazilian Army. Prior to 1850, promotions for officers were based on criteria such as relations of friendship and closeness to the Crown. That is, the command posts were occupied by the members of the political elite of the Empire. With the law, the picture would change due to the criteria of minimum age for entrance in the official one, and the passage by the Military School. The Military School was an institution that should train engineers and officers for the Army. He received military and not military students. With the law of 1850, it becomes mandatory and goes through changes in its statutes. In this way, the article proposes to analyze the Law of Promotions of 1850 and the transformations undergone by the Military School. Thus, it will be necessary to address the relationship between the promotion law and the Military School.



How to Cite

Silva, D. M. da. (2020). Law of Promotions and Military School: the transformations in the school in 1840s and 1850s. Em Perspectiva, 6(2), 43–56. Retrieved from



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