Domesticity policies and salaried work

resignifying female roles in the americas in the interwar period


  • Jaqueline Stafani Andrade


Gender, Domesticity policies, Re-signified;


This paper aims to discuss how female action in the interwar period, either through anti-famine committees or with labor organizations, has re-signified governmental and corporate domesticity policies in various national American contexts. In this sense, we intend to contribute to debates about the concept of gender seeking to answer the following questions: how was the participation of women in the public sphere during this period? What are the limits of the dichotomy between domestic and public performance of these women? Through female and male authors such as Weinstein, Guard, Klubock, and Fernadez-Acevez, among others, this article will seek to reflect on the gender roles attributed to women in the Americas in the interwar period and their growing public performance toward domesticity policies.



How to Cite

Andrade, J. S. (2020). Domesticity policies and salaried work: resignifying female roles in the americas in the interwar period. Em Perspectiva, 6(1), 208–228. Retrieved from



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