Indigenous cosmo-ontologies in the semiarid


  • Nívia Paula Assis PUCRS/ UNIVASF


Indigenous. Semiarid. Perspectivism


This article is about indigenous cosmo-ontologies of two peoples from teh Brazilian semiarid: Xacriabá and Tuxá. The ethnographic informations was extracted from works of Maria Hilda Paraíso (1987) and Orlando Sampaio Silva (1997). In the analyzes was considered some principles of the approximate anthropological theory of indigenous thought, known as Amerindian Perspectivism. The main systematizer of this theory is the anthropologist Eduardo Viveiros de Castro (1996) and he affirms that it is an attempt to bring out the indigenous cosmopráxis, through a virtual conceptual scheme (VIVEIROS DE CASTRO, 2001). This theory arose from studies on native peoples of the Amazon (BR), but it is about a set of ideas and everyday practices that can be found in America (VIVEIROS DE CASTRO, 2018). In the contexts analyzed, it was observed that some precepts existing in Perspectivism can be perceived in shamanistic practices of native peoples in the semiarid region of Brazil.



How to Cite

Assis, N. P. (2020). Indigenous cosmo-ontologies in the semiarid. Em Perspectiva, 6(2), 194–210. Retrieved from



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