Cultural policies during Fernando Collor de Mello's presidential term

from authoritarianism to extinction of Embrafilme.


  • Karoliny Leandro de Paiva Ufc


cultural policy, Collor Ministry of Culture


The objective of this work is to analyze the space that cultural policies occupied during the administration of Fernando Collor de Mello's brief presidential term (1990-1992). His administration is significant as it marks the first time in our democracy process that direct elections for the presidency of the country were held. However, it wasn’t just the economy that suffered a severe blow under his management; the cultural sector also faced difficulties, as the president showed disdain for both cultural institutions and their producers.Collor´s administration, through provisional measures, extinguished the Ministry of Culture and others institutions in the cultural sector, such as Embrafilme,for example. The role of culture during Collor's administration was diminished,relegating cultural policies to a secondary, diminutive, resentful, and subordinate position



How to Cite

Leandro de Paiva, K. (2024). Cultural policies during Fernando Collor de Mello’s presidential term: from authoritarianism to extinction of Embrafilme. Em Perspectiva, 10(1). Retrieved from