History as a battlefield:

interpreting the violence of the 20th century


  • Thais Turial Universidade de Brasília - UnB


Historiography, Cold War, Theory of history


The rupture that took place with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reconfiguration of European geopolitics at the end of the Cold War profoundly affected world historiography, which had to question its paradigms, question its methods and redefine its areas. In the light of these issues, in "La historia como campo de batalla", Enzo Traverso sought to reconstruct, from a critical perspective, the panorama of the transformations that are at the center of current historiographical debates. Thus, it addresses the broad interpretative categories, pointing out their limits and contributions to historiographical practice. In addition, he interrogates historical comparativism, investigates the emergence of global history and the return of the event. Finally, he analyzes the analyzes the intersection between history and memory, between detachment and sensitivity to what has been experienced, which, in his analytical criteria, affect any narration of the 20th century today.



How to Cite

Turial, T. (2020). History as a battlefield: : interpreting the violence of the 20th century. Em Perspectiva, 6(2), 237–242. Retrieved from http://periodicos.ufc.br/emperspectiva/article/view/44829


