O duplo lugar de fala em As parceiras, de Lya Luft


  • Maria Juliana de Jesus Santos UFS
  • Carlos Magno Gomes UFS


 This article promotes a debate on the place of speech of the silenced woman and victim of the patriarchal system in the work As Parceiras (1980), by the writer Lya Luft. In such a way, violence against women in this work, is confused with the violence of patriarchy, within failed marriages of three generations of dissatisfied and unhappy women. Then, the narrative is told by the narrating character, Anelise, through alternative memories between the present and the past, to understand the roots of her family. In this way, we used the concepts of feminist and gender studies by some renowned authors: Pierre Bourdieu, in the debate on violence in the context of male domination; Lia Machado comments on the classifications of the different phases of gender violence; Carlos Gomes presents several evidences of the aggressions against female characters in the literary text. Therefore, we began to analyze the woman's place of speech, revered by Gayatri Spivak and Dijamila Ribeiro, in order to explore the technique used by the narrator to give voice to the silenced women of her family, while seeking to find herself in the present.

Author Biographies

Maria Juliana de Jesus Santos, UFS

Mestre em Letras pela UFS. Pesquisa financiada pela Capes no período de 2017-2019.

Carlos Magno Gomes, UFS

Professor de Teoria Literária com atuação na pós-graduação acadêmica e profissional da Universidade Federal de Sergipe: PROFLETRAS e PPGL. Doutor em Literatura pela UnB (2004), com pós-doutorado em Estudos Literários pela UFMG (2013). Pesquisador Produtividade CNPq desde 2006. Atua na área de Literatura comparada com ênfase nos estudos acerca da violência contra a mulher na ficção do Brasil e da América Latina.

