“Que se espalhe e se cante no universo, se tão sublime preço cabe em verso”

a poesia de Camões e Pessoa segundo Saramago


  • Marcelo Franz UTFPR


Will be analyzed in this study the play O que farei com este livro? (1980) and the novel O ano da morte de Ricardo Reis (1984). Using as a theoretical tool what is suggested by Gerard Genette reflection on the forms of transtextuality, we will observe in the works analyzed the intertextual relationships that they establish with previous texts to which they were critically replaced. These are two interesting cases of intertextuality, anchored in the parallel description of experiences of literary creation by the protagonists in contexts of crisis, which points to the discussion about the place of the writer in society and how the vicissitudes of this experience interfere in the receptivity of what is produced by the writer. artist. The metaphors of exile and return are important in the plots of the works we read here. The north of our reflection is the observation that the transtextual experience, based on the vertical and radical reading experience of the works visited by Saramago, is, in the two books that we analyze both the motivation of the author's creative initiative and the center of the characterization of the characters in your actions.

