Em Castelos Vazios

Medievalismo e romantismo em “As Canções Solitárias de Laren Dorr” e “Nas Terras Perdidas” de George R. R. Martin



This work aims at discussing which elements of the cultural aspect called “the Middle Ages” are present within two short stories by the North American author George R. R. Martin, “The Lonely Songs of Laren Dorr” (1976) and “In the Lost Lands” (1928). It also seeks to debate how those elements relate to the Romantic aesthetic and literary movement. Both short stories are among Martin’s first medieval fantasy themed works, and therefore, in some ways, lay the path for his world renowned series, A Song of Ice and Fire. Based on Elizabeth Fay’s considerations about the Romantic movement and the resurgence of medieval cultural aspects, as well as Shiloh Carroll’s observations concerning the presence of medievalism in Martin’s later work, we hope to understand how these early texts differ, if at all, from the author’s approach to the referred theme from the 90’s onwards. Consequently, we seek to point out the persistence of the Romantic paradigm within the literary scene on the second half of the 20th century.

Author Biographies

Arthur Maia Baby Gomes, UFRGS

Mestrando em Estudos de Literatura pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) e membro da Martin Studies International Network. Seu foco de pesquisa é a relação da obra do autor norte-americano George R. R. Martin com diversas pautas sociais presentes em diferentes momentos das literaturas de fantasia e ficção científica. 

Gabriela Pirotti Pereira, PPG Letras - UFRGS

Mestranda em Estudos de Literatura pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Sua pesquisa atual se centra em literatura galesa medieval, trabalhando junto ao projeto Sociedade, História e Memória nas Literaturas de Língua Inglesa.

