A Poética do assombro

As mulheres em contos de Poe



The scope of this paper is to analyze three short stories by Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849), “Berenice”, “Ligeia” and “Morella” since the construction of the female characters in these productions seem to be a relevant component when considering “The philosophy of composition” (POE, 1999). We also considered, assisted by a deal of critical references, the procedures utilized by Poe, in order to compose these short stories. We tried to establish a dialogue among Baudelaire (1999), Castex (1962) and Cortázar (2006) so as to confirm our analysis. Edgar Allan Poe, through the mastery of his theoretical propositions, uses his short stories as a laboratory not only for experimenting with new techniques but also for building meaning effects. In addition, it is important to emphasize the reiteration of the author’s constant narrative resources, such as repetition, the epigraphs reiterated within the narrative as dialogues and digressions as well as the symbology of names. The author composes with paramount care his short stories; he wraps his characters in such a carefully constructed storyline so that these polyhedral paper beings can also be interpreted as facets of the tormented author himself.

Author Biography

Sérgio Gabriel Muknicka, UNESP FCLAr

Mestre (2017) e doutorando em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP–Araraquara). Professor substituto, desde 2018, nas disciplinas “Língua francesa”, “Teatro francês” “Tradução francesa” e “Prática oral em língua francesa” do Departamento de Letras Modernas da Faculdade de Ciências e Letras – UNESP – Campus de Araraquara.

Atua nas áreas de Línguas Estrangeiras Modernas e Literaturas Estrangeiras Modernas (Italiana/Francesa/Brasileira), com ênfase em: narrativa italiana do século XX, narrativa italiana do século XIX, conto italiano, teatro italiano, teatro francês, personagem e tradução literária. Membro do Grupo de Estudos da Narrativa (GEN, CNPq) e do Grupo A Literatura do Final do Século XIX: o Simbolismo, seus antecedentes e repercussões (CNPq), sediados na FCL-UNESP-Araraquara.

