Influences of the climacteric period on the conjugal relationship: gender perspective
Climacteric; Marriage; Women’s Health.Abstract
Objective: to analyze the influence of the climacterium on the marital relationship from a perspective of gender. Methods: qualitative study based on the gender theory, with 20 climacteric women, using interviews and thematic analysis. Results: three categories emerged: Affection, companionship, understanding, respect and dialogue: positive influences of the climacterium on the relationship of the couple; Influence of the climacterium on sexual activity and its interface with the marital relationship; and Estrangement in the conjugal relationship influenced by the climacterium. The positive influences of the climacterium on the marital relationship highlight greater affection, companionship, understanding, respect and dialogue; the climacterium influences the couple due to changes in sexual activity; estrangement in the marital relationship derived from changes in companionship and routine. Conclusion: the climacterium positively influences the marital relationship. However, due to the symptoms of this phase, there are changes in sexual activity that contribute to the estrangement of the couple.
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