Assessment of nursing records on cardiopulmonary resuscitation based on the utstein model


  • Daiane Lopes Grisante
  • Andrea Braz Vendramini Silva
  • Andrea Cotait Ayoub
  • Renata Guzzo Souza Belinelo
  • Priscila Sete de Carvalho Onofre
  • Camila Takao Lopes


Nursing Care, Nursing assessment, Nursing Evaluation Research, Cardiac arrest, Nursing Records.


Cross-sectional study that assessed the quality of nursing records on cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Forty-two patients’ charts were reviewed in an intensive care unit, using the Utstein protocol. There was a predominance of men (54.8%), aged from 21-70 years old (38.1%), correction of acquired heart diseases (42.7%), with more than one pre-existing device (147). As immediate cause of cardiac arrest, hypotension predominated (48.3%) and as the initial rhythm, bradycardia (37.5%). Only the time of death and time of arrest were recorded in 100% of the sample. Professional training in Advanced Life Support was not recorded. The causes of arrest and initial rhythm were recorded in 69% and 76.2% of the sample. Chest compressions, patent airway obtainment and defibrillation were recorded in less than 16%. Records were considered of low quality and may cause legal sanctions to professionals and do not allow the comparison of the effectiveness of the maneuvers with other centers.





How to Cite

Grisante, D. L., Silva, A. B. V., Ayoub, A. C., Belinelo, R. G. S., Onofre, P. S. de C., & Lopes, C. T. (2013). Assessment of nursing records on cardiopulmonary resuscitation based on the utstein model. Rev Rene, 14(6). Retrieved from



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