Educational intervention to assess the knowledge of intensive care nurses about pressure injury
Pressure Ulcer; Education, Distance; Inservice Training; Information Technology; Nursing.Abstract
Objective: to compare the knowledge of intensive care nurses about pressure injuries before and after an educational intervention. Methods: longitudinal study before and after intervention, conducted with nine intensive care nurses target of an online educational intervention on pressure injuries. Knowledge was investigated through an instrument with items on prevention, staging and evaluation of pressure injuries. Results: the average proportion of correct answers was 81.1% and 84.6% in the pre- and post-intervention evaluation, respectively. Regarding prevention, there was an average of correct answers of 25.11 (78.5%) before and 26.22 (81.9%) after the intervention. As for staging, the average of correct answers was 4.33 (86.6%) in the pre-test, and 4.66 (93.2%) in the post-test. As for evaluation of injuries, the results were the same before and after the intervention. Conclusion: after the course, the knowledge of nurses about pressure injuries, particularly in items related to staging, increased.
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