Clinical-epidemiological profile of surgical patients with ocular dryness and risk of dry eye
Standardized Nursing Terminology; Nursing Diagnosis; Nursing Process; Postoperative Period; Dry Eye Syndromes.Abstract
Objective: to determine clinical and epidemiological profile of surgical patients with ocular dryness and to the Nursing diagnostic and risk of dry eye, in the postoperative period. Methods: cross-sectional study, with 82 patients in the postoperative period. For analysis, it were used frequencies, the distribution centers’ measures and respectives variabilities. Results: equivalent prevalence between ocular dryness and the nursing diagnosis. The average age was 57.7 years for patients with ocular dryness and 59.6 years for those with risk diagnosis. In both groups, there was a predominance of females, cardiovascular surgeries and general anesthetic usage. The length of the surgical procedure averaged 105 minutes for patients with ocular dryness and 67.5 minutes for those with risk diagnosis. Conclusion: predominance of women in middle age undergoing elective surgeries by cardiovascular reasons for both groups, however, with distinct time of surgical procedure.
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