
  • Henrique Muzzio UFPE
  • Fernando Gomes de Paiva Júnior UFPE



Creative economy. Identity. Management technology. Innovation. Creativity.


The objective of this theoretical essay is to analyze the relationship between the individual and creative management. Defends itself an adaptation of a consistent management model with the nuances of organizational universe called creative economy. This symbolic space for creative production is revealed to be characterized by precarious jobs. The demand for attuning the identity of the creative worker with the culture of post-Fordist organizations leads to reflections about the potential for creative collaborations with technologies centered on the search for work policies adequate to the new logic of the market. This requires the formulation of systems that provide incentive for innovative solutions and allow for flexible hours and the open work environments that nurture creativity. The text makes a proposition to consolidate management of creative organizations aligned with the identity characteristics of the creative individual in three levels: individual, group and cultural.


Author Biographies

Henrique Muzzio, UFPE

Doutor em Administração pela FGV (EAESP)

Fernando Gomes de Paiva Júnior, UFPE

Doutor em Administração pela UFMG


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How to Cite

Muzzio, H., & Paiva Júnior, F. G. de. (2015). THE RELEVANCE TO ADAPT CREATIVE MANAGEMENT TO IDENTITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL CREATIVE. Contextus - Contemporary Journal of Economics and Management, 13(3), 139–155.




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