The influence of gender on the relationship between work-family enrichment and organizational citizenship behavior in the Brazilian military
work-family enrichment, organizational citizenship, behavior, gender, militaryAbstract
The study aims to analyze the influence of gender on the relationship between Work-Family Enrichment (ETF and EFT), Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCC) and the possible moderating effects that EFT may have on the ETF's relations with the dimensions of the CCO scale among Brazilian Air Force military personnel. Through a quantitative study, the analyzes were performed using the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) and multigroup analysis (MGA) method. The results demonstrate that the relationship between the dimensions of the ETF and the dimensions of the CCO are equal between genders. However, the research makes it possible to know the characteristics that contribute to the Work-Family Enrichment process and to the manifestation of Organizational Citizenship Behavior.
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