Evaluation of care technology applied to the nursing process in the light of best practices





Technology; Nursing Process; Nursing Care; Evidence-Based Nursing; Resources Management.


Objective: to unveil nurses' perceptions about the development of care technology to operationalize the nursing process. Methods: qualitative study, developed with seven intensive care nurses, through a focus group, based on a semi-structured script. The content analysis technique was used to interpret the data, in the light of the Best Practices framework. Results: the content of the focus group was organized into two categories of a priori analysis: Applying resolutive knowledge in the development of care technology for the nursing process and development of technology focused on the nursing process, based on the rational use of resources. Conclusion: nurses conceived care technology as best practice, considering that it was based on scientific evidence. It has developed collaboratively, with rational use of resources, based on a partnership with higher education institutions, and customized according to local context and needs.



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How to Cite

Pendon, R. ., Bitencourt, J. V. de O. V., Haag, F. B., Parker, A. G., Maestri, E., Adamy, E. K., & Meschial, W. C. . (2020). Evaluation of care technology applied to the nursing process in the light of best practices. Rev Rene, 21, e44420. https://doi.org/10.15253/2175-6783.20202144420



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