The international population's (mis)knowledge of the Brazilian health system: the experiences of professionals and migrants




Transients and Migrants; Health Personnel; Health Systems; Knowledge.


Objective: to find out about the experiences of health professionals and international migrants regarding this population's (lack of) knowledge about the Brazilian health system. Methods: a qualitative study was carried out in the emergency department of a university hospital. Nine health professionals and six migrants were interviewed. Symbolic Interactionism and Reflective Thematic Analysis were adopted as the theoretical and methodological frameworks, respectively. Results: two themes emerged: situations that contribute to lack of knowledge about the health system and the consequences of lack of knowledge about the health system. Conclusion: migrants' lack of knowledge about the Brazilian health system stems from language barriers and social and bureaucratic vulnerabilities, hindering access and continuity of care. Health professionals point to the need for more significant preparation to deal with situations, while migrants report difficulties in understanding the health system and using services. Contributions to practice: the findings are relevant for managers and professionals to think about strategies and protocols that encourage international migrants to enter health facilities and simultaneously consider their training process on how the system works.



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How to Cite

Buzzerio, L. F., Soldera, A. G. dos S., Cruz, A. D. Q. da, Luz, M. S. da, Sanguino, G. Z., Marcon, S. S., & Barreto, M. da S. (2025). The international population’s (mis)knowledge of the Brazilian health system: the experiences of professionals and migrants. Rev Rene, 26, e94260.



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