Construction and validity analysis of a questionnaire to assess knowledge of Forensic Nursing for nurses
Forensic Nursing; Professional Competence; Primary Health Care; Psychometrics; Nurses, Male.Abstract
Objective: to construct and analyze evidence of the content validity of a questionnaire to assess nurses' knowledge of Forensic Nursing. Methods: a psychometric study is used to build and analyze evidence of content validity. The Forensic Nursing Competency Matrix was used to construct the items. The questionnaire was divided into significant areas of activity, and the items were organized according to Likert-type comprehensiveness analysis. The judges' Content Validity Index was used for the validity analysis. Results: the self-administered digital questionnaire contains 14 sociodemographic and work-related items and 117 items on forensic nursing competencies, organized into categories aligned with the areas of practice defined by the Federal Nursing Council. Content validity was confirmed by indices between 0.80 and 1.00, attesting to the pertinence and relevance of the items. Conclusion: the questionnaire was considered to be fit for purpose and valid in terms of content. Contributions to practice: the questionnaire could assess forensic nursing competencies in primary health care and be adapted to other areas.
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