Nurses' management role in the Family Health Strategy: impacts on nursing care
Organization and Administration; Nurses, Male; Nursing Care; National Health Strategies.Abstract
Objective: to uncover the management role of nurses in the Family Health Strategy and its impact on nursing care. Methods: qualitative research was carried out with 11 nurses from the Family Health Strategy, selected using the Snowball sampling technique, in a virtual environment, with a single interview. A script was used for personal and professional characterization and a guiding question related to the topic. Descriptive analysis and content analysis were used in the light of dialectical hermeneutics. Results: the majority were women with between 10 and 20 years in management. Two categories were identified: lack of understanding of the managerial and care role and the impact on nursing care, and nurses' perception of their role as managers of the Family Health Strategy. Conclusion: there was confusion about the role of nurses, work overload, poor management skills for these professionals, and feelings of dissatisfaction and frustration that reflected on their health and the resolvability of the service. The multi-professional team presents challenges for interprofessional, with a view to collaborative practice to achieve comprehensive care. Contributions to practice: rethinking the management role of nurses in Primary Health Care, proposing and implementing strategies to guide their daily work.
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