About the Journal


Twice a year, Argumentos publishes first-rate articles, discussion notes, reviews, and/or a special issue, on all aspects of philosophy, written in Portuguese, English, Spanish, Germany or French. Its main goal is to present and expand philosophy, broadly construed. Argumentos strives to offer articles with solid and well-written argumentation on the philosophical issues at hand. In 2011, the journal entered a new stage and became the official scientific journal of the graduate programme of philosophy at the Federal University of Ceará, Brazil. Its aim is to be a high-standard philosophy publication with impact both in Brazil and overseas. With that objective in mind, Argumentos has four main co-editors, who take care of two broad areas: (1) theoretical philosophy (mostly, but not exclusively, analytic in nature) and (2) practical philosophy (mostly, but not exclusively, continental). In order to guarantee high quality in its publications, Argumentos has a scientific committee comprising both non-Brazilian and Brazilian philosophers.

In the most recent CAPES quadrennial evaluation, covering the period 2017-2020, Argumentos received the A2 classification, directing the efforts of the Scientific-Editorial Committee towards consolidating the internationalization of the journal.


Focus and reach

Argumentos is a Philosophy Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Philosophy at the Federal University of Ceará. It aims to disseminate and interchange, primarily, the work of researchers in Philosophy in Brazil and abroad in the following lines of research: Ethics and Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Knowledge and Language. These lines are compatible with the research policy of the Postgraduate Program in Philosophy at UFC.


Peer Review Process

Each submitted article will be evaluated by at least one reviewer and, in case of non-conclusive opinion, it will be evaluated by a second reviewer; in case of disagreement in the opinions of both, a third opinion will be sent to issue a new opinion. The articles will be evaluated without identifying the author, in the blind-review system.

The author (s) must have a doctoral degree, preferably in philosophy, but not exclusively.

The standard time for completing an evaluation is at least 120 (one hundred and twenty) days and is related to the availability of the evaluators. However, this period can be extended due to the circumstances of each work submitted and the theme addressed.

The publication of work by researchers from the UFC will be restricted to a maximum of 20% of the articles in each issue of the magazine; and these same researchers will only be able to publish a new article in Argumentos 24 (twenty four) months after the last work published in the journal. This restriction does not apply to reviews and bibliographic notes.

In the case of publication of works by researchers outside the UFC, the same author will only have a new work published in the journal after 1 (one) year in relation to the number of his last publication. This restriction does not apply to reviews and bibliographic notes.



Argumentos journal is a biannual publication with free access.


Open access politicaly

This magazine offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge. No submission or processing fees are charged.

The Arguments journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution International License

Argumentos Magazine is under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY), according to which:

1)Authors maintain the copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication, with the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution which allows the sharing of the work with the acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in this journal.
2) Authors are authorized to take additional contracts separately, for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal (e.g. publishing in an institutional repository or as a book chapter), authorship recognition and initial publication in this journal.
3) Authors are allowed and encouraged to publish and distribute their work online (e.g. in institutional repositories or on their personal page) at any point before or during the editorial process, as can generate productive changes, as well as increase the impact and reference of the published work.



Portal de Periódicos da CAPES
The Philosopher's Index
⁠⁠⁠Ulrich's Web




1) All papers submitted to Revista Argumentos are sent for peer review using the blind-review method.

2) In case of dissenting opinions, the work will be forwarded to a third evaluator, who will break the decision on whether or not to publish the work.

3) The entire evaluation process will be mediated by one or more editors of Revista Argumentos.

4) The content of the submitted work will be confidential until the date of its publication. In the case of a negative opinion on the publication, the work will be returned to the author, in complete secrecy.

5) The content of the evaluation sent by the referees will be confidential, known only to the evaluators, the editor and the author.

6) The names of the authors, as well as the referees, will be confidential.

7) The evaluation process takes, on average, six months.



8) When submitting a work, the author transfers the vehículation and publication rights to Journal Argumentos.

9) The work can be reproduced in whole or in part in some other edition, however, it is mandatory to refer to Revista Argumentos, as well as the number and year of publication.

10) It is the criterion of the editors of Jounal Argumentos and their reviewers to recommend changes to the original, conditioning its publication to the acceptance or not of the recommendation.



11) All papers published in Revista Argumentos must be unpublished.

12) Papers submitted to Journal Argumentos cannot be submitted to any other journal, while the evaluation process lasts.

13) Any and all references to the author's own works must be indicated.



14) It is the author's responsibility to ensure authorization for translations and reproductions of originals, in accordance with Law No. 9.610, of February, 1998.

15) It's allowed “citation in books, newspapers, magazines or any other means of communication, of passages of any work, for purposes of study, criticism or controversy, to the extent justified for the purpose to be reach, indicating the name of the author and origin of the work ”, according to Art. 46, paragraph III, of Law No. 9,610, of February 19, 1998.

16) If comproved, the author will be liable for plagiarism, according to Art. 184 of Law No. 10,695, of July 1, 2003.

17) Notifications about plagiarism should be sent to the journal contact

18) The suspected cases of plagiarism will be investigated by Argumentos using the following procedures: 1) Plagiarism Software; 2) Copy Spider Software; 3) Google Search.

19) Argumentos follows the guidelines on conduct in research and in scientific publications provided by Comitee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

20) The author is not allowed to make references to his own texts without citing them, according to the norm established by that editorial.



21) It is the responsibility ofArgumentos to publish and archive all works, making reference to the authors, as well as indexing their content on national and international platforms.

22) It is the author's responsibility the content of his works, the authenticity of his references, the omission of information and the adequacy to the rules of the language in which the text is written, as well as the standardization of ABNT.

23) All authors who sign the work claim to have participated in their research and writing process, taking ethical and legal responsibility for what they claim.

24) Argumentos is not responsible for what the authors claim in their respective works, but supports the freedom of expression and conscience of its collaborators.

25) At any time, at the initiative of the author or the editors, retraction or correction of some content published in previous editions may be published, either to report plagiarism, incorrect information or omissions.

26) When submitting a work to Argumentos, the author states that the work presented, as well as the research that preceded it, values the dignity of the human person and their rights, as well as following the current legislation on research and editorial ethics.



27) All authors of the work must disclose their institutional link and their sources of research funding, as well as report any commercial, institutional or personal interest that may influence the results presented in the work to be published.

28) The Argumentos Magazine is maintained by the Postgraduate Program in Philosophy of the Federal University of Ceará, a public institution, maintained by state and non-profit funds. None submission or processing fees are charged.