The chinese room thought experiment: John Searle's critique of strong artificial intelligence


  • Maxwell Morais de Lima Filho


Turing’s test. Strong artificial intelligence. Chinese room. John Searle.


Will one day developed digital computers be able to think in a similar way we human beings do? Or, being independent of technology, will they always be limited to manipulate data without comprehend them? In this work, I will present two opposite conceptions of Philosophy of Mind: the Strong Artificial Intelligence, which responds positively to the first question, as well as John Searle’s critique to this line, which responds positively to the second question. Therefore I will begin the article presenting the famous imitation game proposed by Alan Turing (1950) in order to decide if a machine is intelligent or not. This game is known by Turing’s test. Then I will exhaustively analyze the mental experiment of the chinese room, proposed by John Searle in 1980, which is a strong critique to the Turing’s Test and to the research program of the Strong Artificial Intelligence.

Author Biography

Maxwell Morais de Lima Filho

Mestrando em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC / Capes). Agradeço ao Professor Dr. Tárik Prata, da UniversidadeFederal de Sergipe (UFS), pelas críticas e sugestões a este trabalho.





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