A logic to support the experimental error in physics


  • Jaison Shinaider


History of science. Scientific experiments. Paraclassical logic.


In this paper propose the use of a non-classical logical to support the experimental error of the measurement made in physical science (or any other science that uses measurements). Begining with a brief historical presentation of the physical method, emphasis on the importance of experiments and measurement in this science. Subsequently, we emphasize the presence of errors in any measurement done in any experiment (error that cannot be avoided, since it is ‘linked’ to the own device that we use to make the measurement, as we shall see). In sequence, we show how this error can become problematic when viewed from the classical theory of models, based on classical logic. From this, is proposed the use of a non-classic logic to address this problem: the know paraclassic logic (which is a kind of paraconsistent logic). Is exhibit the formal counterpart of this alternative logic, some theorems and results, and finally is exhibit how the ‘logical problem’ of the error in scientific experiments can best be handle with this non-classical tool.


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Author Biography

Jaison Shinaider

Doutor e professor de filosofia do Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina – Campus Caçador.


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