Considerations about the antinomies of reason in Kant


  • Douglas João Orben
  • Thadeu Weber


Kant. Hume. Antinomy. Reason.


The article intends to localize and to present a possible solution to the following question: what are the reason and the origin of the philosophic awakening for the critic stance? Then, it is analyzed the relation between the antinomic conflict of the reason and its influence in the origin of critic philosophy, highlighting the function that the Hume’s skepticism may have assumed in Kant’s philosophical awakening. In this context, it is looked for clearing a possible textual conflict (that Allison qualifies as a strange thing in Kant’s handiwork) between the antinomies of reason and the knowing Kant’s confession that identifies David Hume as the one who aroused him of his dogmatic slumber.

Author Biographies

Douglas João Orben

Doutorando no Programa de Pós-graduação em Filosofia da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul / PUCRS (Porto Alegre/RS) e professor de graduação e pós-graduação do curso de Filosofia da Faculdade Palotina / FAPAS (Santa Maria/RS).

Thadeu Weber

Professor titular da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, nos programas de pós- graduação em Filosofia e em Direito e na graduação em Filosofia.


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