The tension between the atomism of the radical liberal and the proposition of a politics holistic recognition in Charles Taylor


  • Joel Decothé Junior


Tension. Atomism. Liberal. Holistic. Recognition.


In this article I undertake as the goal of work task to expose the tension between philosophical propositions of the politics of liberal radical, metaphysical proposition comes from the philosophical aspect that is configured as a holistic political philosophy of the recognition of the dignity of human life. To do so, bring up for discussion the political thought of Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor. Throughout the text I’m trying to rebuild, to some extent, the status of political debate among the political philosophies of both liberal slant of the atomism, as your opponent which is the perspective of classical communitarianism holistic. Then work with the notion of critical expressivista forged by Taylor, in his theory of action, which expresses a critical opposition radical liberal atomism policy, which is based on the notion of procedural rationality. Finally, pay attention to the argument that revolves around the proposition of a holistic policy of recognition, which must be inflected in favour of the axiom of ontological dignity of human life, which is embedded within a contemporary context, pluralistic history and widely multiculturalist.

Author Biography

Joel Decothé Junior

Doutorando em Filosofia pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS).


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