From sensualism to society in Helvethus: education and legislation as civilizing vehicles


  • Camila Sant’Ana Vieira Ferraz Milek


Helvetius. Education. Legislation. Sensibility. Pleasure.


The article investigates how education and legislation can be allied to the sensualism of Claude-Adrien Helvetius for the progressive improvement of a society. If we consider that the human beings have the physical sensibility as the primary access to what surrounds them, and consequently is the principle of pleasure that guides their actions, we have apparently an individualistic conception of human being. However, according to the author, it is this same principle that can lead human beings to the general interest. In this way, it is necessary to comprehend the role of education and legislation proposed by Helvétius to link the private interest to the public interest.

Author Biography

Camila Sant’Ana Vieira Ferraz Milek

Doutoranda em Filosofia pela UFPR.


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