Philosophy and education: for a critical teaching in dark times
Philosophy and education. Critical self-reflection. Narratives of lifeAbstract
The reference article has as characteristic to problematize the current educational and philosophical scene in which it haunts us. At this point, we see that the studies on educational policies and practices advocated by public management indicate that we are currently living strong remnants of a reckless model of education, traditionally limited to the dominant and capitalist circles, in which it seeks to educate for segregation and competitiveness. This reflects a society with idealized purposes in individual self-assertion. In the same way, we are inserted in systems of schooling that configure an education with markedly mercantilist cuts and with a strong tendency of instrumentalization of the relationships and brutalization of the people. For Boaventura de Souza (2013) “it is possible that we are facing a new form of social fascism, developmental fascism.” (p. 122).References
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