ENGELMANN, Mauro. Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Development: Phenomenology, Grammar, Method, and the Anthropological View.


  • Marcos Silva
  • Luiz Henrique da Silva Santos


Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Development.

Author Biographies

Marcos Silva

Doutor em Filosofia (2012) pela PUC-Rio, com período sanduíche na Universitaet Leipzig, de 2009 a 2011, (bolsista DAAD/CAPES). Pós-doutorado na UFRJ (2012). Pós-doutorado (2014-2015) pela UFC, Professor da UFAL. Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa do CNPq - Nível 2.

Luiz Henrique da Silva Santos

Graduando em Filosofia pela UFAl. Bolsista CNPQ.


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FREGE, G. Grundgesezte der Arithmetik Band II. Verlag Hermann Pohle, Jena, 1903. LUGG, Andrew. Wittgenstein in the Middle of 1930s: Calculi and Games. In

Venturinha, 2013.

MARION, Mathieu. Wittgenstein, Finitism, and the Foundations of Mathematics. Oxford: Claredndon Press, 1998.

MEDINA, Jose. The Unity of Wittgenstein’s Philosophy: Necessity, Intelligibility, and Normativity. New York: SUNY Press, 2002.

RAMSEY, Frank. Critical Notes to Tractatus Logico­Philosophicus. Mind 32 (1923, p. 465-478).

______. Facts and Propositions. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volumes, v. 7, Mind, Objectivity and Fact (1927), p. 153-206.

SCHOREDER, Severin. Wittgenstein on Rules in Language and in Mathematics. In Venturinha, 2013.

VENTURINHA, Nuno. (Ed.). The Textual Genesis of Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations. Routledge: New York: 2013, 256 p.




