Dialetical-historical materialism: genesis and meanings of the method


  • Marsiel Pacífico Doutor e professor da UFAM.


Dialectic-Historical Materialism. Methodology. Marxism. Epistemology.


Dialectic-historical materialism is a current of the human sciences, which covers the areas of social sciences, economics, history and philosophy, predominantly. For the analysis of the economic system and all its relations, Marxism, in particular, relies on the tripod announced in its own name “dialectical historical materialism”, whose particular methodology of analysis allowed a complex and revolutionary view of capitalism. And it is by the intrinsic relation between method and current of thought that we will examine to analyze in what form and in what historical ways the method of its constituted.

Author Biography

Marsiel Pacífico, Doutor e professor da UFAM.

Doutor em Educação pela UFSCar. Professor adjunto do Departamento de Métodos e Técnicas na UFAM.


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