Note on the profession of the intellectual in the work of José Luis Aranguren




José Luis Aranguren. Intellectual. Trade. Philosophy.


This paper I briefly study the notion of intellectual proposed by the Spanish professor of ethic José Luis Aranguren (1909-1996). To do this, I analyze the writings of his work in which he gives greater attention to this notion. Having seen what this philosopher understands by the concept of intellectual and what his role should be, I make a critical reflection that will try to weigh to what extent Aranguren fit or not in this intellectual model.

Author Biography

Ceferino Muñoz, CONICET

Doctor in Philosophy (Faculty of Arts and Letters, National University of Cuyo, 2010-2014). Master in Communication (Faculty of Journalism-University Juan Agustín Maza, 2005-2010). Post-doctoral candidates (National University of Rosario, 2020). Associate Researcher of CONICET with the project “A redefinition of the doctrine of analogy in Cajetan in light of his theory of concepts and objectivity. Medieval debates and contemporary repercussions”.


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