On the tractarian logical space’s fragmentation





Logical Space. Philosophy of Logic. Wittgenstein. Holism.


Here I defend that the systems of propositions (Satzsysteme) in the middle period of Wittgenstein's Philosophy represent the development of the tractarian notion of logical space after the Color Exclusion Problem. I aim then to deal with some essential features of these emergent systems, namely: 1. the radicalization of a kind of holism to be found already in the Tractatus; 2. the exclusion by contrariety, which shows the insufficiency of contradiction in capturing finer conceptual exclusions; 3. the asymmetric negation, which allows the explosion of alternatives and overcomes the tractarian bipolarity; and 4. the mandatory exhaustion (completeness) of possibilities, i.e., all possible articulation of conceptual elements must be totally provided in a system.

Author Biography

Marcos Silva, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (Ufpe)/CNPQ

Doutor em Filosofia (2012) pela PUC-Rio, com período sanduíche na Universitaet Leipzig, de 2009 a 2011, (bolsista DAAD/CAPES). Pós-doutorado na UFRJ (2012). Pós-doutorado (2014-2015) pela UFC, Professor da UFPE. Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa do CNPq - Nível 2. E-mail: marcossilvarj@gmail.com


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