Metaphysics of information in a tridimensional conceptual framework




Information. Epistemology. Brandom. Process Ontology. Metaphysics.


The purpose of this study is to expand one of the subjects that I aimed in my doctoral research and to point out developments in order to expand the philosophical value of the topic. The task consists of paving the ground for the construction of a three-dimensional metaphysical theory centered on the concept of information. The first dimension of this theory is an informational epistemology based on Floridi's levels of abstraction. The second dimension (semantic-pragmatic) is based on Brandom's philosophy of language and the third dimension is based on Seibt’s process ontology. The result is a versatile and dynamic theoretical metaphysical framework, which seeks to maintain a classic metaphysical model of property-entity-substance with a metaphysical core of process ontology. The task of exposing this Floridi-Brandom-Seibt theory is divided into four stages. In the first, I will give a general definition of information. In the second, I will define pragmatic information from the conceptual framework developed by Robert Brandom. These two steps results from a research partially developed in my thesis. The next two stages constitute a set of reflections that, so far, I consider relevant and possible further development. The third stage of the exhibition follows Luciano Floridi proposing the displacement of the concept of information as a product of actions developed in the previous stage, towards the central category role that constitutes the composition and understanding of the world itself shared by actions, entities, events and processes. A fourth and final stage of this reflection seeks to glimpse the deus ex maquina in Floridi's informational vision, revealing a process ontology as the ultimate substrate, where the concept of information must emerge as an attempt to differentiate or continue the processes that make up reality.

Author Biography

Ralph Leal Heck, Universidade Estadual do Ceará - prof. substituto Faculdade Católica de Fortaleza - prof. adjunto

Graduado em Filosofia pela UECE; Mestre em Filosofia pela UFC; Doutor em Filosofia pela UFC.

Atuante no Departamento de Filosofia (UECE e FCF);

Áreas de atuação: Filosofia Analítica, Lógica, Filosofia da Linguagem, Filosofia da Ciência e Filosofia da Informação.



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