Ways of thinking: methodological contributions to the brazilian philosophy





Brazilian philosophy. Originality. Methodologies. Ways of thinking.


Why there wouldn’t be a Brazilian philosophy? Here is the question that has motivated us for a long time and led us to the identification of some paradigms below. As we have meditated about it, we have glimpsed new scenarios and perspectives that are possible in the elaboration of some answer to it. At this moment, we don’t offer an answer. We only list possible paradigms that are understanding about the originality of a Brazilian philosophy, as follows, a characterizing of postures: affirmative, negative, historiographical, literary and philosophical, university philosophy, primitive knowledge, libertarian praxis, philosophies of foreign ways of thinking, interpreters of Brazil, metaphilosophy and philosophy of the ways of thinking. This characterizing is not found in most authors that were mentioned, but we formulated it as a pre-understanding of a broader work that we are developing around the Brazilian philosophical methodologies and, partly, also Latin American, whose focus will be to respond the initial question. Two precedent proposals were present at the IESMA and UFOP. Our task is to investigate the cohe-rence and utility of these paradigms as a pretext to the question: what is Brazilian philosophy?


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