What it is to be well said





Philosophy. Literature. Aesthetics. Criticism.


Our objective with this article is to show that the relationship between philosophy and literary criticism, in Benedito Nunes, more than a personal vocation, is the natural tendency to good practices, both philosophical and literary, in a broad sense. And this perspective is consolidated in modern thought thanks to Kant and his criticisms, especially his Kritik der Urteilskraft, work that changes the course of the history of philosophy by shifting its center from science to aesthetics.

Author Biography

Pedro Paulo da Costa Coroa, Universidade Federal do Pará

Doutor em Filosofia pela USP, com Pós-Doutorado na Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Docente da FAFIL/PPGFIL da UFPA, com pesquisas em Ética e Estética.


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Dossiê Benedito Nunes