The labyrinth imaginary: philosophical trails on a Bachelardian walk




Myth. Archetype. Hero.


The present work is intended to deal with the relationship between the imaginary and the mythological genealogy of the labyrinth. It is from the treatment of the ideas of tragedy and epic Aristotle in Poetics and the analysis of the labyrinth in the comparison of Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil, as well as Deleuze's Logic of Sense, Thousand Plateaus volume 5, that we will reach the labyrinth in Bachelard's Earth and Reveries of Repose in which we will unfold imaginary aspects of this structure of nature and language. The idea of ​​the labyrinth starts from a locus that is at the same time prison and liberation, unfolding in a mythological-architectural paradox as proposed by Daedalus. In this sense, we used the analysis that every labyrinth has a dimension of the unconscious that unfolds on the way we see reality and practice our own philosophy. Thus, elevating and universalizing the story of Theseus and the Minotaur, we can say that it reveals itself as an archetype of an ancestral experience, an initiation into the way human beings find themselves in the face of their fears or internal monsters. Hence, architecture's relationship with Hybris derives precisely as epistemological or even physical obstacles to human constructions, that is, from how time, climate, nature face and confront the way human beings build their ontological dwelling on earth. Thus, we hope to bring as results a functionalist mirroring of human consciousness as an image that goes from the labyrinth of the dungeons of emotion to the towers of the imaginary castle of reason.

Author Biography

Gabriel Kafure da Rocha, Instituto Federal do Sertão Pernambucano

Doctor in Philosophy from UFRN. Professor at the Federal Institute of Sertão Pernambucano in Petrolina - PE, Campus Zona Rural. Effective Professor at the ProfEPT IFSertãoPE and CMAF-UECE PPGs. Graduated in Philosophy - Licentiate and Bachelor's Degree from the Federal University of Pernambuco (2009). Specialization in Higher Education Methodology at UFMA (2012), Master by the Graduate Program in Ethics and Epistemology at UFPI (2015). He has experience in Ethics, Aesthetics, Ontology and Epistemology with an emphasis on issues ranging from Kierkegaard's existentialism to the study of Space in Bachelard and Heidegger. She is currently in a post-doctoral internship at UNIOESTE researching the imaginaries and trans androgynous aesthetics in education. E-mail:


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