On what is properly human in the Nicomachean ethics





Properly human. Practical reason. Theorectical reason.


In this paper we intend to investigate what the Nicomachean Ethics proposes as being properly human, which of the uses of the capacity of reason could be configured as such, specifically defining man. The question arose from the observation that the treatise describes man sometimes as a political animal, sometimes its rational aspect is highlighted, however, without openly associating or dissociating these two characteristics. We found a double specification not related in the treatise, but strongly linked to the capacity of the rational soul and its practical and theoretical uses. Therefore, we propose a research concerning what is properly human from what the treatise indicates regarding reason. Therefore, we begin with observations of the first Books, but especially Book I, because there we see highlighted that man is naturally political, but also the beginning of the discussion about reason. We continue with more detailed research of Book VI and what it presents regarding the relations and dissensions of the two types of reason, as well as their virtues. Afterwards, we visit the lines of Book X, in its second half, that sometimes emphasizes the theoretical use and the life of contemplation, sometimes indicates the impossibilities of living fully in this way, reinforcing the importance of the proposed research and bringing us crucial elements to the answer we are looking for.

Author Biography

Juliana Santana, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Graduada em filosofia pela Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (2004), mestre em Estética e Filosofia da Arte pela Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (2008) e doutora em Ética e Filosofia Política pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Atualmente é professora adjunta da Fundação Universidade Federal do Tocantins, atuando no curso de Filosofia, na Pós-graduação em Ética e Ensino de Filosofia e no Mestrado em Letras, campus de Porto Nacional. Tem experiência na área de Filosofia, com ênfase em estética, filosofia da arte, ética e filosofia antiga, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: paixões, virtude, caráter, educação, felicidade, prazer e relação entre filosofia e literatura.


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